휘인(Whee In) BEYOND World Tour - USA VCR

Passion Project
Concept Design, Lead Designer, Motion Designer, Project Management

✦ Led a creative team of 20 to develop a captivating series of 8 unique videos for the BEYOND World Tour across multiple USA cities (SF, LA, Dallas, Houston, Orlando, Ft. Lauderdale, D.C., and New York), significantly enhancing the concert experience for both fans and the artist.

✦ Developed and executed the initial concept and storyboards, weaving fan artwork and personal messages into each video to create a narrative celebrating the artist's career.

✦ Illustrated graphical assets and oversaw the design process, ensuring each video segment was tailored to resonate with audiences at each tour stop.

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✦ Developed an Instagram Filter that fans could use to engage with Whee In's BEYOND World Tour.

✦ Integrated fan-generated images from the filter into the final VCR shown at the Brooklyn tour stop, creating a personalized and memorable visual experience.

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